Despite the consistent yearning of an animal sidekick to aid me in my imaginary battle against the forces of evil, I never fully grasped the full reality of having two living non-humans inside my home. For example, I had to learn that eating at the dining table is actually not a god-given right, but a privilege earned through an elaborate dance of filling the cat bowl full of food, then running to the table with my own in hopes that I will have enough time to enjoy a hard earned meal before the cats discover that the contents on my plates may consist of things better than what may or may not be made of real chicken.
Regardless, the cats has slowly purred themselves into my heart (and on my face overnight). Their continued insistence for love and affection, along with a cup of hot tea, may be the best thing for a cold winter's night. They are also terrifically photogenic.
The above two photos are of CB (short for Creme Brulee) while he is stretched out on the bed. One thing I noticed between CB and Lady is that while Lady may curl up by the bed in a polite and gentle manner, CB will not shy away from completely stretching across any surface, let it be my laptop or the bathroom counter. Which is why he makes such a great photo subject.